Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Am Back At It

Hard to believe, but it has been 2 years since I started my first blog, 2009 KTOY Travels. I quit writing that blog after my year serving as Kansas Teacher of the Year ended but have found I miss writing (strange for a math teacher, huh?). Plus, I have had a few people (does your mom count as a few?) say they miss reading my blog, about my speaking engagements, and about education issues. So I have decided to create a new blog about mostly education and my classroom.

I hope you join me in my journey as I continue to learn, grow, and reflect about education.


  1. I'm here for the ride. ENJOY your journey.

  2. YAY!!! I'm a math teacher as well that has fallen in love with writing my blog as well. Feel free to check it out.
    I can't wait to continue reading. Every friend of the Honeycutt's is a friend of mine.

  3. Anthony - Read your blog and was very interested in the math like/dislike survey. I am not sure if you have read Readicide, but I have always said I would like to write a book called Mathicide! I think we often "kill" the love of math - at all levels. :-(
